VR3 Variance Reports

Catch issues before they become costly

VR3 automatically compares your latest construction scan (point cloud) with your design model (BIM/CAD) to detect misalignments, missing components, and out-of-tolerance installations.

Fast accurate reports

Within 12 hours, VR3 generates a detailed Variance Report, classifying discrepancies by severity so field professionals can take action immediately. Ensure every installation aligns with design tolerances, reducing rework and project delays.

Insight where it matters most

Choose the VR3 report that fits your project: Structural, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, or Fire Protection. Every variance is automatically identified, so you never miss critical issues.

Accessible by all parties

View issues in 3D in our cloud-based Spac3 platform from any browser, inspecting discrepancies from any angle.

  1. Overlay point cloud scans with BIM/CAD models to instantly see misalignments.

  2. Turn off or adjust visibility of walls, floors, and ceilings to expose hidden spaces.

  3. Measure distances between as-built and design elements for precise validation.

  4. Generate and share PDF reports for job site collaboration and installation review.

Conveniently share access to these reports with anyone on your construction team.

solidspac3 variance report

360° photo documentation

Access 360° progress photos on desktop or mobile, allowing you to walk the site remotely. Every image is tied to the underlying point cloud, enabling precise measurements with 1/8” accuracy.

Build it right the first time.

Solidspac3 variance reports show you
100% of the discrepancies
between construction and design intent.