Watch This Solidspac3 Product Demo to See How Solidspac3 Identifies Quality Issues During Construction

Solidspac3 Helps You Deliver a High-Quality Construction Project

Solidspac3 variance reports show you exactly where what’s constructed doesn’t match the design intent.

Upload your latest reality capture scan, then access the variance reports when you begin work the next morning.

That means you can decide what problems need to be fixed while the crews are still on siteinstead of discovering problems too late when rework is very expensive and causes delays.

With Solidspac3, you can fully assess construction variances online, anytime, without travelling to the job site:

  • See your latest construction scan (point cloud) and your design model (BIM/CAD) together in one space. The discrepancies stand out clearly.

  • Inspect issues in 3D, viewing them from any angle to see what’s going on.

  • Turn off walls, floors, and ceilings—or make them transparent—so you can see inside tight spaces.

  • Measure distances between the design model and the point cloud.

  • Send PDF variance reports to the team on the job site for review and collaboration and share your screen in a meeting to discuss installation discrepancies.

Schedule a Free Online Demo

Solidspac3 helps you deliver a high-quality project and smooth project experience to the building owner, which is a great way to gain repeat business.

To learn more or to schedule a free demonstration, please complete and submit the form or email us at

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 What our customers say:

Watch the recording of How QA/QC Bridges the Gap Between BIM & Field Reality, a webinar hosted by Lidar News.